Our brand name consists of a Persian and an English part, reflecting our efforts to create beautiful designs for Iranians abroad. Here we share with you some of the principles we try to adhere to in our designs:
1) Goodness: The literature, art, and culture of Iran abound with beautiful and virtuous content. However, why are many Persian works produced these days filled with ugliness and vulgarity? They do not uplift the spirit, contribute positively, radiate light, enhance wisdom, and often are full of despair and meaninglessness (which, in the modern era, has unfortunately become a sign of intellectualism, as if hopefulness equates to negligence). In our designs, we use pieces of Persian literature that have wise and good content and remind us of the beauties of life, and hope as well. Without hope, we cannot properly recognize and appreciate existing goodness, and cannot add to it. Therefore, hope is also present in the content of some of our designs.
2) Simplicity: Have you ever seen someone pass by with a Persian poem written on their clothing, but the words are so intertwined and complex that it’s nearly unreadable? Unless the verse is so well-known that we quickly recognize a word or two and understand, "Ah, that famous verse!" (like suddenly seeing "voice"… "words of love"… "rotating dome"… Ah, got it! Hafez!). While such calligraphy works have their own beauties and merits, another approach to design, which has its own advantages, would be to emphasize simplicity and clarity. This is our approach to design. We do not want to overwhelm the audience with grandeur and complexity, but rather improve the health of heart, even if very slightly.
Moreover, the new generations growing up outside of Iran need assistance to gradually and appropriately familiarize themselves with the beauties of Persian art and literature. Complicated and illegible writing and design do not attract, they alienate, and do not invite the audience to engage with the meanings.
3) Heart: Most of us Iranians are weary at heart, yet hope also lives within us. Here, our goal is to offer something positive to the heart, even if small. Our aim is not to pose as intellectuals or philosophers with grandiose words. Our focus is more on the simple heart-truths of life, which if forgotten, the heart gets ill. If the heart is unwell, it negatively affects thought.
We also have designs without text. Simple Tazheeb designs, which we have explained in another section. We hope that they, even though they are wordless, can contribute to the three tasks mentioned above.
When creating these designs, we carried a fervor of hope in our hearts, hoping that what comes from the heart will enter another heart.